Are free-range eggs better?


Free-range chickens have access to the outdoors for at least part of the day. Shelter is generally provided, such as a shed, aviary, perchery or ark. In New Zealand there is no standard definition of what free-range means – you have to rely on the claims on the egg carton when choosing which eggs to buy. NOTE: While all organic eggs are also free-range, not all free-range eggs are organic.

What are pasture eggs?

Pasture or pastured eggs are the gold standard. This term means that the hens can roam free on open pastures. This is the most natural and expensive approach to raising poultry.

Regular (cage) eggs v pasture eggs

A US study from 2010 showed that pasture eggs have/are:

  • Twice as much vitamin E

  • 38% higher vitamin A concentration

  • Twice as much long-chain Omega-3 fats

  • 2.5x more total Omega-3 fatty acids

  • Less than half the ratio of Omega-6 to Omega-3

Next time you’re shopping for eggs at your supermarket or grocer, take a closer look at where the eggs come from so you can make a better choice.

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